Employment Opportunity

Welcome to the

Dolphin House

We are a Nationally Accredited Child Advocacy Center that serves the six counties of the 7th Judicial District. The House is a child-friendly facility whose main purpose is to provide children a safe place for telling their difficult experience during the necessary investigation of child abuse. The Dolphin House is fully Donor and Grant funded, so if you want to become a contributor and help us fight against child abuse, you can Donate Here.

Office Hours

M – Th: 8am – 5pm


735 S 1st St
Montrose, CO 81401

The more you know

About the Dolphin House

The Dolphin House serves the 7th Judicial District in western Colorado. Counties include: Delta, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Montrose, Ouray, and San Miguel.

The Dolphin House is a child-friendly facility whose purpose is to provide child victims a safe, non-threatening place to tell what happened to them during necessary investigations of child abuse. Dolphin House staff offer crisis intervention and ongoing supportive services that help child victims and non-offending family members begin their healing process.

Children and families in the 7th Judicial District benefit greatly by having access to a Child Advocacy Center. They receive:

  • More immediate follow-up to child abuse reports.
  • More efficient medical and mental health services or referrals.
  • A reduction in the number of child victim interviews.
  • Increased successful prosecution.
  • Consistent ongoing support for child victims and the supportive adults in their lives.

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Don’t miss out we post regularly about our events on our Facebook Page!


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see our website

Check out our website for more resources.


Get involved

Join One of Our Community Events

As a way to raise funds and awareness of child abuse, the Dolphin House hosts regular community events including our Awareness Events, Golf Tournament, Concert on the Lawn,  Virtual 5k, and Barn Dance. You do not have to be local to participate, all are welcome. All proceeds go to the upkeep and management of our facility.

Our Mission

How We Help

  • Child Protective Services, Law Enforcement, the District Attorney’s Office, Mental Health Professionals, Advocates, Medical Professionals and the Dolphin House Victim Service Coordinator work as a team to deliver quality, comprehensive services to abused children.
  • Child abuse victims experience a process of investigation, intervention, prosecution and stabilization that is more efficient and effective.
  • Non-offending family members or caregivers of the abused children are also provided ongoing services needed to attain stabilization and healing for each child and family.

To learn more about the Child Advocacy Center and the Multidisciplinary Team process, we invite you to come and take a tour of our facilities. We are located at 735 South 1st Street in Montrose, Colorado. Please call 970-240-8655 prior to coming as the confidentiality of our clients is a priority and we are unable to provide tours of the House when families are present.

Report Abuse

If you know of an ongoing child abuse situation, it’s your duty to report it. If you don’t know how or have concerns about circumstances, please call the Colorado Abuse and Neglect Hotline ASAP.

Schedule a Tour

We operate out of a donated historic home in downtown Montrose, Colorado in order to provide a safe feeling of home to the victims we serve. Come check us out, your curiosity is welcome.


The Dolphin House is fully funded by Grants and contributions from our community members. Anything you can give will help us in the fight to end Child Abuse.


Check Out What’s Coming Soon!

July 13th, 2024

14th Annual Owen Daniel Reak Golf Tournament

Join The Dolphin House for 14th Annual Owen Daniel Reak Golf Tournament on July 13th at The Bridges Golf Course. This tournament is a 4-Person Scramble with a putting contest to kick it off. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. 

Dolphin House 5k logo
Dolphin House 5k logo

September 13th, 2024

Barn Dance

Join us September 13th, 2024 for the Dolphin House Dance! Enjoy music from The Anders Brothers, delicious food from Rib City and a silent auction filled with local treasures. Doors open at 5:30 and Dinner is served at 6:30!


Victims of Crime Act FY 2024 Cuts

Did you know the Victims of Crime Act (#VOCA) supports millions of crime victims yearly? With the proposed budget cuts, many victims and survivors will be left without vital aid. #Crisis4Victims
The Dolphin House relies on VOCA funding to support our services to victims within the 7th Judicial District. Please show your support for victims by urging your congressmen to avoid an unnecessary crisis by providing level funding to VOCA in 2024.
barn dance
Blanket wall


A Few Words

“Too often children are subjected to physical abuse, sexual abuse, or witness the most horrific situations their family goes through. The abuse not only effects the child immediately, but there are long lasting effects the child will sustain if not properly addressed and managed. The Dolphin House is a part of and plays a vital role in the multi-disciplinary team to help begin this process of healing and stabilization from beginning to end with these children. The high level of competence, resources, and care the members of the Dolphin House have enables better quality and comprehensive services received by the child and their family. Without the Dolphin House, we could not effectively and efficiently investigate, intervene, and prosecute these very fragile and complex cases. The Dolphin House is the glue that holds everything together and can also arguably be the heart of a case.”

Montrose Police Department Detective Mark Trimble

Michelle Gottlieb

Executive Director

“My passion is to help the youth of this community. I have a great deal of respect for the mission of the Dolphin House and look forward to working with the staff and our community partners to provide comprehensive services and support to victims of abuse”.

Brenda Hernandez

Board President

The Dolphin House is a vital part of our community with a child friendly facility that is warm and welcoming to our child victims and their families.  The services provided help the child and family navigate a difficult situation to reduce the trauma and to help them heal.  I am excited to be a part of such an amazing organization and work with such a great group of people.


News & Events

Check back for monthly blogs from The Dolphin House!

National Forensic Interviewers Week- July 8th-12th 2024 

National Forensic Interviewers Week- July 8th-12th 2024 

The Dolphin House Child Advocacy Center celebrated the 3rd Annual National Forensic Interviewers Week July 8th-12th. We would like to take a moment to share with our community about forensic interviews.  What is a Forensic Interview?  A forensic interview is a...

14th Annual Owen Daniel Reak Golf Tournament

14th Annual Owen Daniel Reak Golf Tournament

July 13th will mark the 14th Annual Owen Daniel Reak Golf Tournament to benefit The Dolphin House. The tournament come complete wih new shenanigans, as well as the trusty staples. Presented by Nancy Young, Mize Family, Cadez Family, Edward Jones, Montrose Police...

2024 Summer Activities and Programs

2024 Summer Activities and Programs

Summer Activities and Programs Summer is quickly approaching! If you need some fresh ideas on camps, programs and activities for your child, look no further. At The Dolphin House we try to keep a pulse on the goings on in our communities. Below is a list of...

Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

February 2024 Blog Post Greetings from The Dolphin House! For our January blog post, we are bringing awareness to Teen Dating Violence (TDV). In 2010, the U.S. Congress designated February as Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. Like Domestic Violence (DV) or...

Dolphin House 2023 Statistics

Dolphin House 2023 Statistics

As we approach the end of 2023 and the beginning of a new year, The Dolphin House staff wishes you Happy Holidays. We are ever grateful for the various levels of support we receive from the communities we serve, such as donations of blankets, stuffed dolphins,...

Gift Card Drive

Gift Card Drive

The Dolphin House serves victims within the six counties of the 7th Judicial District. That said, the 7th Judicial District serves over 10,000 square miles of mostly high mountain valleys, making it one of the larger geographic Judicial Districts in the State. The...