News, Articles & Events
Read the latest updated, news, and articles around the Dolphin House!
Proudly Celebrating 20 Years in Service!
On January 16, 2003, approximately 40 people came together for a “brainstorming session” to discuss the need for a child advocacy center for the 7th Judicial District. Those attending came from Delta, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Montrose and San Miguel Counties, representing...
National Forensic Interviewers Week- July 8th-12th 2024
The Dolphin House Child Advocacy Center celebrated the 3rd Annual National Forensic Interviewers Week July 8th-12th. We would like to take a moment to share with our community about forensic interviews. What is a Forensic Interview? A forensic interview is a...
14th Annual Owen Daniel Reak Golf Tournament
July 13th will mark the 14th Annual Owen Daniel Reak Golf Tournament to benefit The Dolphin House. The tournament come complete wih new shenanigans, as well as the trusty staples. Presented by Nancy Young, Mize Family, Cadez Family, Edward Jones, Montrose Police...
2024 Summer Activities and Programs
Summer Activities and Programs Summer is quickly approaching! If you need some fresh ideas on camps, programs and activities for your child, look no further. At The Dolphin House we try to keep a pulse on the goings on in our communities. Below is a list of...
Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month
February 2024 Blog Post Greetings from The Dolphin House! For our January blog post, we are bringing awareness to Teen Dating Violence (TDV). In 2010, the U.S. Congress designated February as Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. Like Domestic Violence (DV) or...
Dolphin House 2023 Statistics
As we approach the end of 2023 and the beginning of a new year, The Dolphin House staff wishes you Happy Holidays. We are ever grateful for the various levels of support we receive from the communities we serve, such as donations of blankets, stuffed dolphins,...
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