The Dolphin House serves victims within the six counties of the 7th Judicial District. That said, the 7th Judicial District serves over 10,000 square miles of mostly high mountain valleys, making it one of the larger geographic Judicial Districts in the State.
The Dolphin House is centrally located in Montrose, however for our rural jurisdictions it can be a very large commute. If a victim and their family are from Paradox and were to travel to the Dolphin House to receive services, they would be traveling approximately 226.8 miles round trip. For some comparison from Montrose to Colorado Springs it is 235.7 miles.
The Dolphin House is able to provide mobile interviews at locations that adhere to the NCA Standards for Accredited Members and at our Satellite location in Ouray County. However due to funding, staffing, and case load, our ability to respond to our rural jurisdictions is limited.
In order to soften the burden of the travel expense to the families we serve, we offer City Market gift cards for fuel, food, and other basic needs.
They can be dropped off or mailed to The Dolphin House CAC, 735 S 1st St, Montrose, CO 81401. Or stop in at San Juan Coffeehouse, 512 E. Main St, Montrose, CO for a delicious beverage or a wonderfully crafted meal and pick up an angel from their tree.