Happy new year from The Dolphin House Child Advocacy Center. The year 2023 ushers in a milestone for The Dolphin House, marking its inception from 20 years earlier. On January 16th, 2003, stakeholders from Delta, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Montrose, Ouray and San Miguel counties came together to discuss the benefits of establishing a Child Advocacy Center (CAC) for the 7th Judicial District. After months of brainstorming, grant writing and planning we were able to start seeing victims on July 15th, 2005.Since then we have relied on the standards set forth by the National Children’s Alliance (NCA) as well as our Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT).

Each piece of the MDT brings valuable knowledge and abilities. When investigating an allegation of child abuse each role has a different part to play:
- Child Protection caseworkers focus on ensuring that kids are safe
- Law enforcement prioritize finding the evidence and/or facts that support an allegation
- Forensic interviewers provide an unbiased and child-led interview to share about any adverse childhood experience
- The District Attorney’s aim is to provide insight on what evidence would need to be collected in order to prove a crime has been committed without a doubt
- Victim Advocates ensure that families have the resources and support they need while staying in close contact throughout the case process
- Medical professionals complete examinations to ensure that a child is healthy as well as to collect evidence if possible
- Mental Health Professionals work with children and families to assist in building hope, healing and resiliency
Nationally accredited Child Advocacy Centers, such as The Dolphin House, operate with the knowledge that no single person or agency has the knowledge, skills or resources to serve the needs of all children and their families. The combined expertise of personnel within the MDT brings forth a multi-faceted understanding of the case and how to assist children and their families navigate their journey not only through the justice system, but also their personal path to restoring hope.
20 years later, The Dolphin House remains one of 16 nationally accredited CACs in Colorado. We serve 6 counties: Delta, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Montrose, Ouray and San Miguel. This area spans 9,500 square miles with an estimated population of 110,000. Since opening our doors in 2005, we have served approximately 2,750 children. We are ever grateful to our founders for seeing and responding to the need to develop a child advocacy center for our communities. There is more work to be done and our communities grow, so shall we.
We thank you for your continued support.
Victim Services Coordinator