The Dolphin House: 20 years in the making…

The Dolphin House: 20 years in the making…

Happy new year from The Dolphin House Child Advocacy Center. The year 2023 ushers in a milestone for The Dolphin House, marking its inception from 20 years earlier. On January 16th, 2003, stakeholders from Delta, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Montrose, Ouray and San Miguel...
End of Year Appeal

End of Year Appeal

The holidays are almost upon us and the Dolphin House staff, volunteers, and Board of Directors would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support and kindness through another very difficult year. As of December 22nd, 2022 The Dolphin House has served...
November Update

November Update

Greetings from The Dolphin House! It is my intention to use this small space to keep our friends updatedon the happenings at the Center. This month, Dolphin House staff and Board members are working onour annual End of Year Appeal; prior donors to the Dolphin House...
Important Things to Remember

Important Things to Remember

DISCIPLINE helps a child learn a lesson that will carry over and positively affect future behavior. ABUSE affects the future in a negative way, leading to anger, hatred and more deviant behavior. DISCIPLINE enhances the child’s sense of self worth, helping the child...
How You Can Help Your Child

How You Can Help Your Child

The time after disclosure of abuse is difficult for everyone in the family, but the positive support a child receives can often overcome even the most tragic events.  As a parent, it is often difficult to put aside your own feeling and frustrations about what has...
Greetings from The Dolphin House!

Greetings from The Dolphin House!

It is my intention to use this small space to keep our friends updated on the happenings at the Center. This month, Dolphin House staff and Board members are working diligently to promote two of our annual fundraisers- the annual Barn Dance and our newest event, the...